Sunday, January 31, 2010

The lecture by Dr. Lovett

( "Hemisphere of the brain." 9 January, 2010. Google. Online image. 31 January, 2010)

I learned about the brain. The professor Lovett showed pictures about brain. The best among others left hemisphere and right hemisphere. The brain is divided into two hemispheres. The left hemisphere is the center of language and logical thinking, where they do their math problems and memorize vocabulary. On the other hands, I was surprised the right hemisphere controls how they understand broad, general ideas, and how they respond to the five senses sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch because I did not know that each hemisphere function of the brain. Moreover, I think most interesting part is the left hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere controls the left side. Both sides of the body receive the same information from the brain, because both hemispheres are connected. I got useful information about the hemispheres of the brain through professor Lovett lecture.
I learned about self through reading and lecture. Moreover, I know the self is part of personality, memory, awareness, consciousness,perception and emotion. I influenced by Franklin so, I want to try perfecting it.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Reflect on Franklin's and Juhan's article

I had the pain with my legs, because I overdoing it with my exercise on Wednesday. Moreover, I felt pain with my shoulders and neck because I concentrated on my art work. I tried to do all of virtues during this week, but it is hard to do everything. I could not accomplish everything, but I tried to several virtues.

Franklin’s is a good example to others through his ability. Moreover, through Juhan’s article, I think “self” is developing me. I could change my personality more improve. Before I did something, I took a cautious action and thinking. However it was difficult to do it. Therefore, I would like to supplement from my insufficiency.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Reflect on Night

• Wiesel states that he sympathized with Job. After reading The Book of Job, how would you describe the similarities/differences between Wiesel and Job and their relationships with God? 21) Compare the reactions of Job and Wiesel to their suffering and to the way their suffering affected their faith.

I think Job and Wiesel are similar. After fall into temptation, he just stands all hardships. Moreover, when Wiesel’s family killed by Germans, they cursed Heaven; because they thought God help us always. Now, change the scene and start imagining you are in the Nazi concentration camp. Looking skeletal, wearing old and torn grimy striped uniform, you have to labor all day only with some soup and bread. In their situation, they didn’t believe in God and have doubt about the existence of God.
On the contrary, Job and Wiesel are different. This is the first time that Job didn’t believe in God. However, finally he perceived a truth. Job believed in God and praised whatever happens. When people are in hardship, Job thinks have faith in God and have to be patient always. However, when Wiesel became fifteen years old, he and his family were sent to the Nazi concentration camp; there, he lost his mother and sister, burned in a crematorium, and saw lots deaths resulted from extreme violence and brutality. They ask themselves,” Where is God?” In this way, he confused and doesn’t believe in God.
The Job was still believed in God. When he suffers from Satan, he has patient. Therefore, the Job blessed with riches, offspring and long life. On the other hands, Wiesel gets angry with the suffering of the Jews. I think he was weak in faith.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


After the lecture, I learned about the dreadful Jew's life under the German's domination. The Jewish people all suffered from the cruelty of Germans. They were all deported and the town of Szigeti was occupied by the Germans. Also, to gain ultimate control over the Jews, Millions of Jews were slaughtered by Kraut.
When I learned about this horrible act and the Holocaust I was definitely surprised. Some Jewish people were burned in a crematorium and the other people were sent to the Munkacs ghetto and then on to Auschwitz. Moreover, Millions of people died in the Nazi concentration camps. These brutalities made me concern the human rights of Jews. There were no rights for Jewish people.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The book of JOB

Q: What does Job teach, and how relevant is its teaching?

A: The book is deal with the most big of life problem. Especially, when
they are in hardships, Job teaches people need to have wisdom. Also,
when people are unhappy and hard, they have to more trust and lean on. The object of teaching is not patient of pain inside. People gains understanding and mature self discovery through pain. Among other thing gift that help us to grasp the meaning of the truths of our holy religion and enables us to understand the inner meaning of revealed truths.