Friday, January 29, 2010

Reflect on Franklin's and Juhan's article

I had the pain with my legs, because I overdoing it with my exercise on Wednesday. Moreover, I felt pain with my shoulders and neck because I concentrated on my art work. I tried to do all of virtues during this week, but it is hard to do everything. I could not accomplish everything, but I tried to several virtues.

Franklin’s is a good example to others through his ability. Moreover, through Juhan’s article, I think “self” is developing me. I could change my personality more improve. Before I did something, I took a cautious action and thinking. However it was difficult to do it. Therefore, I would like to supplement from my insufficiency.

1 comment:

  1. I strongly agree with you. The line "self is developing me" is such a good expression. So although it is difficult to acquire "self", I'll keep trying to.
