Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Professor Kjar's lecture.

("Evolution" 17 December, 2009 online image. Google image. 30 March, 2010)
In his lecture, I learned about what is evolution. The evolution facts are change in allele frequencies over time and theory hypothesis facts and truth. I had basic of knowledge about evolution and pre-evolution. This is creation myths; more people on earth have always believed some other creation myth than the Judeo myths. Like this the religion is support myths however science is support truth and facts, so I believed that religion and science are different expand on support that. Actually, I do not have a lot of information about science, so I was surprised about the basic tenets of natural selection. He gave four examples about fundamental view of natural selection. The resources are limited, more offspring are created than can survive to recreate and they have variable characteristic. Moreover, offspring with variety that on average extends their likely hood of reproducing will provide of child to the next generation. I think the most interesting is that where is evolution now. These days the developments are Mendal and Darwin, particulate inheritance and Fisher and Wright. Also, there are without Darwin’s breakthrough of common ancestry, all is lost and Coyne and Wade.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Blade Runner

(“Blade Runner” online image. Google image. 19 March 2010)

1. Blade Runner is best known for its cyberpunk mise en scene (design aspects of the film): the incredibly dense texture of its shots. Watch very carefully and describe the 2020 culture the movie suggests visually.

Blade runner world was really interesting because the environment was dark and people speak different language in movie. Some building was collapse and the world is really dim place. However, the building, other circumstances are advancing and animal is become extinct in 2020. Moreover, the technology is advancing in the future. For example, people make advance robot and science technology is advancing. The robot will become housekeeper and our friends. Therefore, people will live comfortable life in the future.

2. A moral message of the movie is that it was wrong to enslave the replicants and use them as forced labor since they were so human-like in both appearance and thought process. What would need to be different about replicants in order for us to feel that it was OK to use them for labor?

I think about replicants and human like in both appearance but I believed that they have a little bit different thought process. The replicants expressed their emotions so, they similar to human. However, I think people can use replicants for labor and why people make replicants? Because the replicants instead of do people hard to do work. They are just robot and people make for that reason. Therefore, it means the replicants have to help them and people can use them for labor.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Reflect on Dr. Kapasula's lecture

(“Feminist” 17 October, 2008.Online image Flickr. 11 March, 2010)

I learned about feminist. In her lecture she gives an example song “Feminist Agency in the Age of Beyonce’s ‘Single Ladies”, ”Miss independent by NeYo” and “ House, Money, Car by Nalu” so, her lecturer was interesting and she was very funny. Among three of songs, I like that single ladies by beyonce because this song shows about view of woman and woman’s value. This part is really interesting, and I think this song is a little powerful. But, I like this song because beyonce shows the value of woman through 'Sing Ladies'.
The Burial at Thebes and single ladies are different opinion. Because king think about the man be deserved well of people than woman. It means they thought man is better than woman. Therefore, woman cannot do anything easily. However, now both woman and man are all equal and also woman has many chances. I know that this fact but, I surprised again and more interesting.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Lemak's lecutre.

(“THE BURIAL AT THEBES” 28 March, 2008. Online image Flickr. 8 March, 2010)

#How do we balance social justice with moral authority, or just with unjust laws?

-I agree social justice and moral authority in Lemak lecture. For example, Creon has power and help to people through their rules. Moreover, king needs people because they work for him. And king has to control over a people so that to balance social justice and moral authority. I think people (social workers) need to meaningful participation in decision making for all people and king has authority so that the king has to dominion over his empire.

#What constitutes social responsibility and justice, and what is the relationship between freedom and power?

-I believe that the people constitute social responsibility and justice, because the social responsibility means that should be held accountable for any of its actions that affect people. Moreover, principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental to social. Therefore, I think people are fundamental component and also between freedom and power.

#What constitutes leadership and how do leaders confront moral choices?

-I think leaders have to broad minded, because when they look every people, they have a same thought and to confront moral choices. However, Creon and Antigone were certain so that they don’t have broad minded. Moreover, king always follow people’s advice and listen to other. This is important thing constitutes leadership. Thus, the leaders should understand to other people.