Thursday, March 11, 2010

Reflect on Dr. Kapasula's lecture

(“Feminist” 17 October, 2008.Online image Flickr. 11 March, 2010)

I learned about feminist. In her lecture she gives an example song “Feminist Agency in the Age of Beyonce’s ‘Single Ladies”, ”Miss independent by NeYo” and “ House, Money, Car by Nalu” so, her lecturer was interesting and she was very funny. Among three of songs, I like that single ladies by beyonce because this song shows about view of woman and woman’s value. This part is really interesting, and I think this song is a little powerful. But, I like this song because beyonce shows the value of woman through 'Sing Ladies'.
The Burial at Thebes and single ladies are different opinion. Because king think about the man be deserved well of people than woman. It means they thought man is better than woman. Therefore, woman cannot do anything easily. However, now both woman and man are all equal and also woman has many chances. I know that this fact but, I surprised again and more interesting.

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