Monday, March 8, 2010

Lemak's lecutre.

(“THE BURIAL AT THEBES” 28 March, 2008. Online image Flickr. 8 March, 2010)

#How do we balance social justice with moral authority, or just with unjust laws?

-I agree social justice and moral authority in Lemak lecture. For example, Creon has power and help to people through their rules. Moreover, king needs people because they work for him. And king has to control over a people so that to balance social justice and moral authority. I think people (social workers) need to meaningful participation in decision making for all people and king has authority so that the king has to dominion over his empire.

#What constitutes social responsibility and justice, and what is the relationship between freedom and power?

-I believe that the people constitute social responsibility and justice, because the social responsibility means that should be held accountable for any of its actions that affect people. Moreover, principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental to social. Therefore, I think people are fundamental component and also between freedom and power.

#What constitutes leadership and how do leaders confront moral choices?

-I think leaders have to broad minded, because when they look every people, they have a same thought and to confront moral choices. However, Creon and Antigone were certain so that they don’t have broad minded. Moreover, king always follow people’s advice and listen to other. This is important thing constitutes leadership. Thus, the leaders should understand to other people.

1 comment:

  1. Seyeon, I am really glad you caught this part of Professor Lemak's lecture: However, Creon and Antigone were certain so that they don’t have broad minded. At first read you might only feel for Antigone and not realize that she too could have given ground.
