Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Professor Kjar's lecture.

("Evolution" 17 December, 2009 online image. Google image. 30 March, 2010)
In his lecture, I learned about what is evolution. The evolution facts are change in allele frequencies over time and theory hypothesis facts and truth. I had basic of knowledge about evolution and pre-evolution. This is creation myths; more people on earth have always believed some other creation myth than the Judeo myths. Like this the religion is support myths however science is support truth and facts, so I believed that religion and science are different expand on support that. Actually, I do not have a lot of information about science, so I was surprised about the basic tenets of natural selection. He gave four examples about fundamental view of natural selection. The resources are limited, more offspring are created than can survive to recreate and they have variable characteristic. Moreover, offspring with variety that on average extends their likely hood of reproducing will provide of child to the next generation. I think the most interesting is that where is evolution now. These days the developments are Mendal and Darwin, particulate inheritance and Fisher and Wright. Also, there are without Darwin’s breakthrough of common ancestry, all is lost and Coyne and Wade.

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