Sunday, February 7, 2010

The conversation

(Image ID:njchow82 "The conversation" 3 september, 2009 online image. Flickr. 7 February, 2010)

I think that I belong to Korean and English speech community. I speak both of them, also mostly I regularly use both English and Korean. However, I always need to speak English in classes and taking with friends and professors. I speak causally to my friends, but I speak fair to high social position.

I observed about the girl. She was talking about how can I better work and their family when they work in the art class.
Moreover, I focused on their conversation, because I catch what they used forms of address. They use of specific vocabulary, first name, title alone, and status-marked generic term (boy, guys, teacher). People used many kind of address, I think that the reason why affection between speakers and listeners.

Setting and Scene
I observed about the two girls and one boy in my art class. When they worked, the conversation takes place in art class. One girls and boy was speaking and the other girl was just listening. They were talking about their family. They looked very excited and surprised.

When they talk with other people, they have a good time. Through the conversation, people can get rid of their stress and share with friends or another people about their ideas.

First, both two girl and boy tone was normal and calm. However, whenever they were talking and talking, they tone became to more higher and also felt more excited.

When the speakers talk about something, the listeners often interrupt. For example, they have same ideas or different ideas. Like this example, the listeners cut in when speakers are talking. If the listeners do it, the speakers feel low and also they can’t keep the conversation. I think the listeners should wait their turn. If they do that, both speaker and listeners feel better and keep their talk.


  1. I think it is very interesting that even though we use different languages, such as English, Korean, Japanese, and so-on, mostly we think it is not good to interrupt if someone is speaking (of course sometimes there is an exception though). Great observation, Seyeon!

  2. Yeah, I also think that communicating with other people is a good way to remove your stress. Supposing you are depressed, it could be a good idea to talk with your peers and share your ideas.
