Thursday, April 15, 2010

Final Exam Order and Chaos

I believe that the order is commanded their men should do something.
“The telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously. Any sound that Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by it; moreover, so long as he remained within the field of vision which the mental plaque commanded, he could be seen as well as heard.” (George Orwell 1984)
I learned about order is that if a person in authority, they order something, they tell them to do it. So, the totalitarian government relative orders because they always command their staff in there society. When Winston tortured, the O’brien insist on obedience.
For example,
“How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?”
“And if the Party says that it is not four but five – then how many?”
“Four” (George Orwell 1984)
It means Winston know that this is wrong, but he should said right. The reason why that is order from government so, he should accept without reserve. Moreover, this is the rule of the government in their society.
The order is like military, because people should be obedient to their superiors.
The Winston’s society has something in common with military.
For instance,
“They’ll shoot me I don’t care they’ll shoot me in the back of the neck I don’t care down with big brother they always shoot you in the back of the neck I don’t care down with big brother.” (George Orwell 1984)
Both military and his government have boss and they take orders from their superiors.

(Confusion, Disorder)
I leanred about chaos is a state of complete disorder and confusion.
The chaos mean like confusion. This example is that Winston know that staff should love only their government and his boss, but he fall in love with Julia so he confusion with government and Julia.
“Untill they become conscious they will never revel, and until after they have reveled they cannot become conscious.” (George Orwell 1984)
The comeplex behavior implies complex causes.
“The classification of the constituents of a chaos, nothing less here is essayed.”(James Gleick "Chaos and Beyond.")

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Reflect on professor Jacobson's lecture.

(“Chaos” Google online image. 7 April, 2010)

I learned about Chaos Theory and Dynamical Systems. I think the most interesting is history of chaos. The histories of chaos are Henri pinnacle and the three problems, Alexander sharkovskii and the Russians in the 1950s and Eward Lovenz artificial weather (The butterfly effect) and Robert Devaney definition of chaos sensitivity, recurrence and transitivity. I was surprised that the dynamical system. For function of the form y=x²-c the parameter c is the main thing is determining the behavior of the sequence. As the parameter increase the behavior becomes more complicated and it happens the same way for almost every dynamical system. Also, the lecture relates to this class the concept of chaos theory, and I have more information and understand of chaos through this lecture.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Professor Kjar's lecture.

("Evolution" 17 December, 2009 online image. Google image. 30 March, 2010)
In his lecture, I learned about what is evolution. The evolution facts are change in allele frequencies over time and theory hypothesis facts and truth. I had basic of knowledge about evolution and pre-evolution. This is creation myths; more people on earth have always believed some other creation myth than the Judeo myths. Like this the religion is support myths however science is support truth and facts, so I believed that religion and science are different expand on support that. Actually, I do not have a lot of information about science, so I was surprised about the basic tenets of natural selection. He gave four examples about fundamental view of natural selection. The resources are limited, more offspring are created than can survive to recreate and they have variable characteristic. Moreover, offspring with variety that on average extends their likely hood of reproducing will provide of child to the next generation. I think the most interesting is that where is evolution now. These days the developments are Mendal and Darwin, particulate inheritance and Fisher and Wright. Also, there are without Darwin’s breakthrough of common ancestry, all is lost and Coyne and Wade.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Blade Runner

(“Blade Runner” online image. Google image. 19 March 2010)

1. Blade Runner is best known for its cyberpunk mise en scene (design aspects of the film): the incredibly dense texture of its shots. Watch very carefully and describe the 2020 culture the movie suggests visually.

Blade runner world was really interesting because the environment was dark and people speak different language in movie. Some building was collapse and the world is really dim place. However, the building, other circumstances are advancing and animal is become extinct in 2020. Moreover, the technology is advancing in the future. For example, people make advance robot and science technology is advancing. The robot will become housekeeper and our friends. Therefore, people will live comfortable life in the future.

2. A moral message of the movie is that it was wrong to enslave the replicants and use them as forced labor since they were so human-like in both appearance and thought process. What would need to be different about replicants in order for us to feel that it was OK to use them for labor?

I think about replicants and human like in both appearance but I believed that they have a little bit different thought process. The replicants expressed their emotions so, they similar to human. However, I think people can use replicants for labor and why people make replicants? Because the replicants instead of do people hard to do work. They are just robot and people make for that reason. Therefore, it means the replicants have to help them and people can use them for labor.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Reflect on Dr. Kapasula's lecture

(“Feminist” 17 October, 2008.Online image Flickr. 11 March, 2010)

I learned about feminist. In her lecture she gives an example song “Feminist Agency in the Age of Beyonce’s ‘Single Ladies”, ”Miss independent by NeYo” and “ House, Money, Car by Nalu” so, her lecturer was interesting and she was very funny. Among three of songs, I like that single ladies by beyonce because this song shows about view of woman and woman’s value. This part is really interesting, and I think this song is a little powerful. But, I like this song because beyonce shows the value of woman through 'Sing Ladies'.
The Burial at Thebes and single ladies are different opinion. Because king think about the man be deserved well of people than woman. It means they thought man is better than woman. Therefore, woman cannot do anything easily. However, now both woman and man are all equal and also woman has many chances. I know that this fact but, I surprised again and more interesting.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Lemak's lecutre.

(“THE BURIAL AT THEBES” 28 March, 2008. Online image Flickr. 8 March, 2010)

#How do we balance social justice with moral authority, or just with unjust laws?

-I agree social justice and moral authority in Lemak lecture. For example, Creon has power and help to people through their rules. Moreover, king needs people because they work for him. And king has to control over a people so that to balance social justice and moral authority. I think people (social workers) need to meaningful participation in decision making for all people and king has authority so that the king has to dominion over his empire.

#What constitutes social responsibility and justice, and what is the relationship between freedom and power?

-I believe that the people constitute social responsibility and justice, because the social responsibility means that should be held accountable for any of its actions that affect people. Moreover, principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental to social. Therefore, I think people are fundamental component and also between freedom and power.

#What constitutes leadership and how do leaders confront moral choices?

-I think leaders have to broad minded, because when they look every people, they have a same thought and to confront moral choices. However, Creon and Antigone were certain so that they don’t have broad minded. Moreover, king always follow people’s advice and listen to other. This is important thing constitutes leadership. Thus, the leaders should understand to other people.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Film Critique Questions

(ID:kse268"Eternal Sunshune"17 January,2010. Online image.Naver blog.20 February,2010.)

#Who am I?
I think about who am I, I cannot say for certain. Moreover, many people think about who am I but, they do not know. Most people solve several physiological and psychological problem with physically mature for life. Through this process, people gain experience and in spite of change physiological and psychological, they try to find self.

#Is there a self that I can control? If so, who is doing the controlling?
It is hard to do control of myself. However, I can control myself through eating, sleeping and exercising. People need to do control themselves for life. Moreover, this process is important to their life because they can learn the way to live and they can find themselves. I believe that most people control their selves through do something. For example, working, talking, sleeping and eating.

#What is the central conflict of the film?
Joel fell in love with Clementine that they were attached to each other from different personality. However, they were exhausted, because of each different character. So, she was erased memory of him. He decided remove memory about her after that he gets to know.

#How does the film begin (what is the first thing the viewer sees?) why?
They erased memory of each other but, they met again in a train and they felt
the emotion of love again. They didn’t remember that they were in love, however through this movie; I felt the memory can be erased, but love can’t be removed.
Actually, the first thing is the film end because they erased memory of each other, but they are in love. It means however it will turn back around a time; the essence of love will never be able to change.

#How does the film end (what is the last thing the viewer sees?) why?
The last thing is connect the first thing. When he removed memory of her, she said “Let’s meet Montauk…” They think about uncertainty of love they had, however they look back over the past, and the love cannot but they will exist forever. Moreover, they believe that their love and also they have to accept the person for who they are. Because their current love became perfect love through they exist there in the past time.

I like the lines (at the beach)
-This is it, Joel. Its goanna be gone soon.
-I Know
-What do we do?
Because their love memory is erased but their love emotion cannot remove. Moreover, they have tried to do not afraid about erased of their memory.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Song to self

I chose the song “stop and stare” by One Republic. I believe this song relates to these topics of self and human nature, especially the story of X.

Like this verse

Stop and stare
I think I’m moving, but I go nowhere
Yeah, I know that everyone gets scared
But I’ve become what I can’t be

They’re tryin’ to come back
All my senses push
Untie the weight tags
I never thought I could

This verse is every glance is killing them and everyone gets scared. But they’ve become what they can’t be. Moreover, they want to get out of the pressure.


Stop and stare
You start to wonder why you’re here not there
And you’d give anything to get what’s fair
But fair ain’t what you really need
On, can you see what I see?

I think about this verse relates to human nature. In our society people give anything to someone and want to get benefit things. However, it is not material what you really need.

I believe that this song be in chaos and self. In our society today people confused them and they do not know that what to do and what they really need. Moreover, they moving and moving but, they go nowhere. Therefore, they afraid do not know that where they go and chaos.

(One Republic “Stop and stare.” Stop and Stare. Interscope, 2009)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The conversation

(Image ID:njchow82 "The conversation" 3 september, 2009 online image. Flickr. 7 February, 2010)

I think that I belong to Korean and English speech community. I speak both of them, also mostly I regularly use both English and Korean. However, I always need to speak English in classes and taking with friends and professors. I speak causally to my friends, but I speak fair to high social position.

I observed about the girl. She was talking about how can I better work and their family when they work in the art class.
Moreover, I focused on their conversation, because I catch what they used forms of address. They use of specific vocabulary, first name, title alone, and status-marked generic term (boy, guys, teacher). People used many kind of address, I think that the reason why affection between speakers and listeners.

Setting and Scene
I observed about the two girls and one boy in my art class. When they worked, the conversation takes place in art class. One girls and boy was speaking and the other girl was just listening. They were talking about their family. They looked very excited and surprised.

When they talk with other people, they have a good time. Through the conversation, people can get rid of their stress and share with friends or another people about their ideas.

First, both two girl and boy tone was normal and calm. However, whenever they were talking and talking, they tone became to more higher and also felt more excited.

When the speakers talk about something, the listeners often interrupt. For example, they have same ideas or different ideas. Like this example, the listeners cut in when speakers are talking. If the listeners do it, the speakers feel low and also they can’t keep the conversation. I think the listeners should wait their turn. If they do that, both speaker and listeners feel better and keep their talk.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The lecture by Dr. Lovett

( "Hemisphere of the brain." 9 January, 2010. Google. Online image. 31 January, 2010)

I learned about the brain. The professor Lovett showed pictures about brain. The best among others left hemisphere and right hemisphere. The brain is divided into two hemispheres. The left hemisphere is the center of language and logical thinking, where they do their math problems and memorize vocabulary. On the other hands, I was surprised the right hemisphere controls how they understand broad, general ideas, and how they respond to the five senses sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch because I did not know that each hemisphere function of the brain. Moreover, I think most interesting part is the left hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere controls the left side. Both sides of the body receive the same information from the brain, because both hemispheres are connected. I got useful information about the hemispheres of the brain through professor Lovett lecture.
I learned about self through reading and lecture. Moreover, I know the self is part of personality, memory, awareness, consciousness,perception and emotion. I influenced by Franklin so, I want to try perfecting it.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Reflect on Franklin's and Juhan's article

I had the pain with my legs, because I overdoing it with my exercise on Wednesday. Moreover, I felt pain with my shoulders and neck because I concentrated on my art work. I tried to do all of virtues during this week, but it is hard to do everything. I could not accomplish everything, but I tried to several virtues.

Franklin’s is a good example to others through his ability. Moreover, through Juhan’s article, I think “self” is developing me. I could change my personality more improve. Before I did something, I took a cautious action and thinking. However it was difficult to do it. Therefore, I would like to supplement from my insufficiency.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Reflect on Night

• Wiesel states that he sympathized with Job. After reading The Book of Job, how would you describe the similarities/differences between Wiesel and Job and their relationships with God? 21) Compare the reactions of Job and Wiesel to their suffering and to the way their suffering affected their faith.

I think Job and Wiesel are similar. After fall into temptation, he just stands all hardships. Moreover, when Wiesel’s family killed by Germans, they cursed Heaven; because they thought God help us always. Now, change the scene and start imagining you are in the Nazi concentration camp. Looking skeletal, wearing old and torn grimy striped uniform, you have to labor all day only with some soup and bread. In their situation, they didn’t believe in God and have doubt about the existence of God.
On the contrary, Job and Wiesel are different. This is the first time that Job didn’t believe in God. However, finally he perceived a truth. Job believed in God and praised whatever happens. When people are in hardship, Job thinks have faith in God and have to be patient always. However, when Wiesel became fifteen years old, he and his family were sent to the Nazi concentration camp; there, he lost his mother and sister, burned in a crematorium, and saw lots deaths resulted from extreme violence and brutality. They ask themselves,” Where is God?” In this way, he confused and doesn’t believe in God.
The Job was still believed in God. When he suffers from Satan, he has patient. Therefore, the Job blessed with riches, offspring and long life. On the other hands, Wiesel gets angry with the suffering of the Jews. I think he was weak in faith.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


After the lecture, I learned about the dreadful Jew's life under the German's domination. The Jewish people all suffered from the cruelty of Germans. They were all deported and the town of Szigeti was occupied by the Germans. Also, to gain ultimate control over the Jews, Millions of Jews were slaughtered by Kraut.
When I learned about this horrible act and the Holocaust I was definitely surprised. Some Jewish people were burned in a crematorium and the other people were sent to the Munkacs ghetto and then on to Auschwitz. Moreover, Millions of people died in the Nazi concentration camps. These brutalities made me concern the human rights of Jews. There were no rights for Jewish people.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The book of JOB

Q: What does Job teach, and how relevant is its teaching?

A: The book is deal with the most big of life problem. Especially, when
they are in hardships, Job teaches people need to have wisdom. Also,
when people are unhappy and hard, they have to more trust and lean on. The object of teaching is not patient of pain inside. People gains understanding and mature self discovery through pain. Among other thing gift that help us to grasp the meaning of the truths of our holy religion and enables us to understand the inner meaning of revealed truths.